Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays from the APAP staff! Thank you so much for all you continue to do for WashU.
We have been receiving excellent feedback from students about their APAP interviews. An applicant from Sri Lanka wrote this about their interview:
“I began to get to know WashU so much more deeper. Things you couldn’t find on a website, things that made the university so much more interesting than it already is. The interview, I felt, was carried out in such a way that it felt super easy to just be myself and engage in questions about WashU. I loved the interview and I’m extremely glad I was given this opportunity. I saw WashU in a whole different light and I love the new view.”
Freedom of speech
We want to share with you a recent blog post from the Office of the Chancellor, issued jointly by Chancellor Andrew D. Martin and Washington University Board of Trustees Chair Andrew M. Bursky, regarding freedom of speech.
Additional guidance for writing the interview report
- The Admissions Office has provided detailed information for APAP volunteers about how to capture the most helpful information for the application readers who will be reviewing the reports.
Interviewers who have not logged in to the Portal
- Alumni who are interested in conducting interviews must log in to the Portal. The APAP staff sent an email on 11/29 to anyone who has not logged in, and we plan to follow up with a text message. You can find out who has not yet logged in by checking your committee list on the Portal (anyone with a blank or date prior to 8/1/23 has not logged in for this season).
Reassigning interviews
- An interview in your queue that is marked “Decline” or “Expired” needs to be reassigned to another member. This interview was either actively declined by the member to whom you assigned it or was automatically expired if the member did not take action (accept or decline) within a week.
- If you see an applicant in your queue who is marked “assigned,” yet there is no interviewer name populating in the assignment box, this may be because the interviewer moved out of your committee area or is no longer an active APAP volunteer. Please contact APAP if you encounter any assigned interviews with missing interviewer information so that we can resolve these issues.
Managing volume
- We ask volunteers to let us know how many interviews they are willing to conduct over the course of the APAP season. You can find this information for each of your volunteers in the “My Committee Members” section of the Portal. If your volume is high, we encourage you to send an email to your alumni interviewers to ask if they are willing to take more interviews.
- There may be more students in your Portal than you are able to assign. The best way to prioritize is by round (EDII first, then RD), then by application date. Please know that you do not have to match all the students in your queue.
instructions for making assignments
- You can find instructions for navigating the Portal and instructions for assigning interviews in the Chair Resources section of the APAP website, as well as on the Portal.
Help is an email or a phone call away
- Remember that the APAP staff is here for you! Don’t hesitate to reach out to us at any time with questions or if you need help making or prioritizing assignments. The APAP office will be closed on December 22, 25, 29, and January 1.
Interview Days
APAP Interview Days will be held in some committee areas in January. You have already heard from the APAP staff if there will be one or more Interview Days in your committee area.
A list of all Interview Days is available on the APAP website.
If you are staffing an Interview Day, please review your role as an Interview Day site leader so that you know what to expect before, during, and after the event.
You can also find information on the APAP website about what we share with alumni and parent volunteers about their roles at the Interview Day.
All chairs in Interview Day committees should continue to assign any students that are in your queue in the Portal.

Early Decision II
If you have Early Decision II students in your Portal, you should continue to assign them. These students should be your top priority. Please assign these until January 4.
Regular Decision
Regular Decision applicants will continue to appear in your Portal (if you are not having an Interview Day(s)) through the end of December. Please continue to assign these students—in order of application date—until January 17.
Final Deadlines
Final deadlines for all Interview Report Forms are as follows:
Early Decision II – due by January 15
Regular Decision – due by February 1