Many of you have already received emails letting you know you have interviews to assign in the Portal. These emails are sent weekly (on Wednesdays) to chairs who have applicants to assign. These could be new applicants who have matched to the Portal, applicants who were declined by the interviewer assigned, or assignments that expired because the interviewer did not accept or decline the assignment within seven days.
You will notice a large number of additional interviewers in your Portal drop down menu when making assignments. These are APAP volunteers from other committees who have volunteered to conduct additional interviews outside of their local committee areas. Please assign interviews to your local committee members first, then utilize the additional interviewers outside of your region as needed.
Please be sure to review instructions for navigating the Portal and instructions for assigning interviews through the Portal. Both of these resources provide all the details you need to know in order to make assignments. Remember that the APAP staff is here for you! Don’t hesitate to reach out to us at any time with questions or if you need help making or prioritizing assignments.