Explore testimonials from our alumni, friends and family who have traveled to new destinations and embraced diverse cultures.


… Dennis [Abelson, AB ’73] and I had the opportunity to travel with a WashU alumni group to Greece … we yearned to be within the confines of temples, see the Aegean (would it really be wine dark?) and imagine the ancient tragedies performed, while sitting on the stone seats of an actual theatron. And that was exactly what this wonderful trip allowed us to do, under the ever-watchful eye of our guide, Sophia, and accompanied by the chair of our Classics department, Tim Moore. Barbara Abelson,
Ancient Greece, 2024
The Scandinavia and the Baltic Sea trip was absolutely extraordinary! We visited seven countries we had never been to and learned about them through interesting lectures and exceptional onsite guides, who took us on both walking and bus tours. Plus, it was amazing to meet and connect with WashU alumni and others on this stunning small cruise ship. The historic sights and the educational elements of this trip made it an incredible experience. We have never before taken group trips or cruises but now we look forward to future trips as part of this program. Lisa Cooper, AB ’84,
Scandinavia and the Baltic Sea, 2024


The program far exceeded my expectations. The accommodations were first rate. The logistics were handled well. The excursions were fantastic. Food was excellent. I would highly recommend the program. WashU Traveler,
Legends of the Nile, 2024

North America

Overall, it was a great trip. We had a wonderful group of alumni that really got along and enjoyed being together. WashU Traveler,
Panama Canal and Costa Rica, 2024
This was an amazing adventure through Yellowstone during the winter. All promises were delivered! Wolves, twenty-two other animals and plenty of birds. The animal action was all close up — great photos ops and with provided spotting scopes and binoculars. All rooms and food were very comfortable … One of the best trips I have every been on and I’ve been just about everywhere. WashU Traveler,
Wolves and Wildlife of Yellowstone, 2024
This was a most memorable trip. The animal life that we saw was astonishing, but our experiences with the wolves were beyond expectations. WashU Traveler,
Wolves and Wildlife of Yellowstone, 2024


It was a great trip … traveling with a group the caliber of WashU graduates was wonderful. WashU Traveler,
Insider’s Japan, 2023