This is our favorite time of the year where we as parents, alumni, and families get an opportunity to participate in a number of events for admitted students and their families that are unique to WashU. You are an essential part of this initiative to welcome students and provide information about our amazing university. Ways you can help are by making phone calls through our calling programs, staffing College Fairs, and attending Admitted Student Receptions.
One of the most rewarding activities for APAP parent volunteers is making and fielding calls to and from parents of admitted students. Please make sure your information is updated in the APAP Portal (you will need your WUSTL key and password to log in; contact APAP if you need assistance) so that you can be included on the Parents Resource List (PRL) and receive call assignments for the Congratulations Calling Program (CCP). Last year, we formed lasting friendships through the calls we made. Our daughter, Sarah, made connections with some of the students after they enrolled in school, continuing to help the students navigate their way through college.
For all APAP volunteers—alumni and parents—if you would rather meet students in person, consider staffing a College Fair. These are information-gathering events for high school students to learn more about colleges and universities. It is always nice to share the great things WashU has to offer and any positive personal experiences.
Although limited this year, another in-person event once students are admitted is the Admitted Student Reception (ASR). These events are opportunities for students who may be struggling with a decision to learn more about WashU, ask questions, and see our Bears hospitality in action. Attending an ASR solidified Sarah’s decision to attend WashU. The following summer, my family hosted a Summer Send-Off for admitted students, and although it was extremely hot, the students and parents enjoyed meeting each other and establishing connections.
If there are College Fairs or ASRs in your area, you will receive an invitation by email to attend. Please come and show your WashU pride.
Being part of APAP has been a continuum of making connections, providing information, and sharing personal experiences and our love for the WashU community. Please choose an opportunity that is the best fit for you to engage with students and families and show them the true gift in the decision to make WashU their home.
Go Bears!
LaDonna and Brad Baldwin
Chairs of APAP Parent Members
(Sarah, class of 2026)