Events and Outings Reports

Sharing the events and outings that our members participate in is an important part of documenting the Woman’s Club. After an event, please fill out the appropriate form and mail or email to the Woman’s Club Coordinator at:

Mail to:

The Woman’s Club of Washington University
MSC 1193-414-3100
7425 Forsyth Blvd.
St. Louis, MO 63105

Email or call:

Woman’s Club Coordinator


Forms for Funding

The Lecture Endowment contributes to co-sponsoring an annual lecture series event with other groups in conjunction with the University’s Assembly Series.

The Learning Endowment Fund directly benefits members of the Woman’s Club enhancing the learning and experiences of Club members and the broader Washington University community. Individual Woman’s Club members or Woman’s Club groups will propose learning experiences and proposed costs via an application. Any proposed activity must be open to all Woman’s Club members.  Applications to the Learning Endowment Fund will be reviewed by the Learning Endowment Fund (LEF) Screening Committee appointed by the president.

If you would like to request funding for an event, please read the Learning Endowment Guidelines and complete the form below.

If you have any questions regarding the application or if you would like to make a gift to support the learning fund, please contact Elizabeth Ojo at 314-935-0491 or

To give by mail:
The Woman’s Club of Washington University
7425 Forsyth Blvd., MSC 1228-414-3100
St. Louis, MO 63105