Special Interest Groups
The Woman’s Club boasts a wide variety of opportunities for members to get involved in. All club members are invited to attend Special Interest Group meetings. If you are not a regular group member but wish to attend a meeting, please contact the group chair and ask to be added to their email list. You will be informed of the upcoming meetings. In addition, Woman’s Club members are encouraged to invite prospective members to join them at Special Interest Group meetings.
We do beading projects as well as knitting, crochet, and needlepoint crafts. Our group meets the third Thursday of each month from noon –3:00 p.m. We bring a brown-bag lunch and take turns bringing dessert.
To join, contact:
Evie Shucart, chair and host
All new players of all levels are welcome to join this social bridge group that meets the first Thursday of each month (September-May). We meet for lunch at 1:00 p.m. and play bridge at 2:00 p.m. This is social bridge and we welcome new players of all levels to join us for a pleasant afternoon.
The Pasta House
8831 Ladue Road
Ladue MO, 63124
There are several handicapped and other parking spots in front of the building. Please note: it is the responsibility of each month’s hostess to contact the members and substitutes to see who is available to play and to provide the playing cards, bridge tablets, tally cards, and pencils along with snacks (cookies, popcorn, and candies) and napkins.
Margaret Israel, co-chair
Welcome to the world of Canasta! It’s fun, it’s easy, and if you don’t already know how to play, we’ll teach you this exciting card game in no time at all.
The Woman’s Club Canasta Interest Group meets on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month. We meet and play at Chevy’s on Olive Boulevard in Olivette. Interest group members can gather at the restaurant for an optional lunch at 1:00 p.m. and stay for Canasta from 2:00–4:00 p.m.
We provide the cards and have instruction sheets available. We collect $2.00 per person each time we play, or players can opt to contribute $50 and play for the entire year. This fee is an ongoing donation to our Club’s scholarship fund, The Risa Zwerling Wrighton Woman’s Club Scholarship Endowment. This fund provides annual scholarships to multiple students of The WashU School of Continuing & Professional Studies (CAPS), (previously University College).
If you are interested in joining this group or would like further information, please contact one of the co-chairs.
Margaret Israel, co-chair
TBD, co-chair
Do you want to gain momentum and confidence in your writing? Please join our group of creative writers who come with a broad range of writing experiences, yet share a passion for personal self-expression. We complete monthly writing assignments designed to inspire, guide, and develop our skills. You’ll practice using different formats such as poems, essays, stories, and memoirs and read your work aloud at our monthly gatherings to receive constructive, supportive feedback.
Meets the second Thursday of the month, September through May, from 9:00–11:30 a.m. at a location announced each month.
Suzanne Doyle, Ph.D., coach
Jennifer Luner, co-chair
Learn Caribbean dance movements, simple choreography, and some dance improvisations.
Dance uncovers creativity, health and happiness. The Dancing Damsels of Washington University group will have fun learning Caribbean dance movements, simple choreography, and some dance improvisations. This is a large and vibrant group of mature ladies, who not only benefit from dance but also gain self-confidence, poise, balance and develop creativity with a support system, all needed as we grow older!
We meet the first and third Saturday of each month at 1:00 p.m.–2:00 p.m. at Carmen’s home.
Carmen Dence, chair
314-813-0325 (cell)
Meet at the home of the hostess the second Thursday of the month, (excluding December) at 1:00 pm to discuss books. We serve dessert. A Zoom link will also be provided for those who would like to participate virtually. Please contact one of the co-chairs to find out which book will be discussed.
Gloria Lubowitz, co-chair
Jennifer Luner, co-chair
This group meets the second Tuesday of each month, year-round, to lunch at restaurants in St. Louis. We socialize with new and old friends and explore new neighborhoods and areas together.
The group meets at 11:30 a.m. Restaurant choice is communicated via email and RSVP’s are requested so a reservation can be made with the restaurant of the month. Members collaborate to select the restaurants.
Please let Jennifer or Chris know if you would like to be on the mailing list to receive the location for each month’s luncheon.
Charlotte Ellis, co-chair
Jennifer Luner, co-chair
We are always delighted to have new groups! If you have an idea for starting a new interest group, contact Woman’s Club President Sarah Fowler-Dixon at womansclub@wustl.edu. She will help by putting a notice in the newsletter with information about meeting times and goals of the new group. Interest Groups need not meet every month.
Service Groups and Educational Programming
Do you enjoy movies, live performances, or an afternoon at Edison Theatre? This group is intended to provide Woman’s Club members, and their guests, with opportunities to explore these types of activities.
The Woman’s Club of Washington University supports the Museum annually through contributions to Community Day and through the donation of Kemper Museum memberships to young artists in the community.
To join or renew your support of the Museum: Kemper Museum Support
If you are interested in becoming a part of this group, please contact:
Iris Malone, Director, Educational Programming
Faith Berger, Chair
The Elizabeth Danforth Butterfly Garden Committee and volunteers are the caretakers of this garden for students, faculty, and staff on the Danforth Campus of Washington University at the intersection of Forsyth and Wallace across from the Danforth University Center.
Our volunteers work in the garden every Tuesday morning each week from early spring to late fall, weather permitting. We would be delighted to welcome anyone interested in helping. No commitment is necessary; we all come when our schedules permit. Call or email us for additional information.
The garden is a service project begun by the Woman’s Club in 1996 to honor Elizabeth Danforth, the wife of former Chancellor William H. Danforth. The committee has developed the garden for over 20 years, adding benches, picnic tables, an arbor, and planting 89 native trees and shrubs plus many flowering plants needed by butterflies.
Our longtime supporters gather each year in early May to plant many flats of flowers that the butterflies love and to enjoy each other’s company in the spring sunshine.
Elena Maksaeva, Co-Chair
Lee Anne Quatrano, Co-Chair
Visit beautiful outdoor sights around the St. Louis area during the course of each year. Look for announcements about meeting dates, times and places in the Woman’s Club newsletters and e-blasts. We encourage all members and guests to join us. To attend, contact one of the chairs:
Linda Smith, co-chair
Elena Maksaeva, co-chair
Jane Schaefer, co-chair
Visit galleries and sights around the St. Louis area three times a year. We encourage all members and guests to join us. To attend, contact one of the chairs:
Assimo Azariadis, Co-Chair
Karen Johnson Fields, Co-Chair
Gloria Lubowitz, Co-Chair
We are an outreach activity of the Woman’s Club. Club members welcome and host international visitors and their families to Washington University. Many lasting friendships develop through our weekly activities. We visit St. Louis landmarks and members’ homes to exchange cultures and to develop friendships.
We meet each Friday from 10:00 a.m. to noon in various locations. Participating members will be notified of weekly activities by email.
Gloria Lubowitz, Chair
Each year, the Woman’s Club provides scholarship funds for up to five students of the School of Continuing & Professional Studies, or CAPS (formerly known as University College). Upon selection, the Risa Scholars receive a congratulation letter from the Club, are invited to present at the Club’s annual scholarship recognition event in January, and have regalia fees covered by the Club as a graduation gift from our members. Fundraising activities, such as Scholarship Game Days, are planned by the Club to help support the scholarship. To learn more about the Risa Scholars or to contribute to the Risa Zwerling Wrighton Endowment Fund, please contact one of the chairs:
Judy Joerding, Co-chair
Karen Johnson Fields, Co-chair
Jennifer Luner, co-chair
Linda Smith, Co-Chair
In order to better share and document the amazing programs and activities the Woman’s Club is involved in, we ask that after events, a chair submits the following report form to the coordinator at womansclub@wuslt.edu.